Person Specification

Students age 14+ looking for work experience.
Those of any age looking for a career change to working in health and care

Work Experience Details

We are an NHS community and mental health provider Trust, delivering care to people at home or in a hospital to improve their physical and mental health. We also provide specialist support to people with dementia and a learning disability.

Around 4,000 people make up the Trust. They include doctors, nurses, therapists, administrators, and support staff. We work in people’s homes, in community clinics and bases across a wide range of locations and from our 10 community hospitals.

We offer a range of work experience opportunities for different age groups and career development opportunities.

Working with our local schools and colleges we support the provision of work experience weeks for Year 10 and 11 students, and for B-Tec students undertaking industry placements within health and care, and we also offer work experience to individuals who may be considering a career in health as well as placement opportunities for students in health professions.

We have an application process for our work experience opportunities which can be found here 

Work Placement Application Form

Please note Students on health professional courses and on T-Levels who wish to undertake a placement within Cornwall will need to follow their University /college processes to request placements. The placements you require are part of your course and a work experience placements will not meet the course learning requirements.