Person Specification

We welcome work experience requests from all individuals aged 14 years (in Year 10) and above, who are interested in working in healthcare and would like to discover the range of job roles within the NHS.

Work Experience Details

There are over 350 different job roles in the NHS and work experience is a great way to find out which role is right for you. If you’re not sure where to start, we recommend taking a look at the Health Careers website, which also has a helpful careers quiz.

Somerset NHS Foundation Trust offers a range of work experience opportunities. We accept new work experience placement requests in the months below:

  • September for work experience placements in December to March
  • December for work experience placements in April to July
  • April for work experience placements in August to November

We will open for new work experience enquiries in April 2025.

General questions can be sent at any time to