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We have work experience placements in Bristol, Norther Somerset and South Gloucstershire

Medicine Work Observation Placements (year 12 students)

    North Bristol Trust are offering 36 three-day work observation placements in  summer  2024 at Southmead hospital for school and college pupils. These placements are designed for pupils who are just finishing year 12 and will be applying through...

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    Health and Social Care Work Experience – Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

      We are pleased to announce the opening of the 2023/24 health and social care work experience application window (30th October 2023 to February 29th 2024) Placements will give students an experience within health and social care in both clinical and...

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      Care Support Work Experience

        Experience overview The health and social care sector is among the most rewarding career routes. With over 350 roles, knowing where to put your skills and passion for care can be tricky. For people who enjoy caring and supporting others, a career in...

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